Start date: 
August 2012
End Date: 
July 2014
2 years
Festival Entrepreneurship for VET

L. DA VINCI Partnership 2012-2013 FestEVET
Code: PA 2012-1-TR1-LEO04-35473 4

Since August 2012 Centro Machiavelli  has been working on  the project "FestEVET, Festival Entrepreneurship for VET" as part of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme – L. Da Vinci Partnership.

The target group of this partnership are teachers, trainers and staff who need a higher degree of professionalism for organising activities in a festival / community social event to improve the skills of participants, to help them present their performances and abilities and celebrate their success.


The partnership involves institutions providing vocational education, representatives of working life, non-profit organizations and bodies responsible for vocational education and training at a local level. The target group are the teachers, trainers and other staff who are interested in, or responsible for, organizing activities to improve the professional skills and competence of the participants.


The project intends to improve the quality and increase the volume of cooperation between institutions interested in organizing festivals by higher degree of professionalism. At the end of the activities the participants will publish a Guidebook about organizing festivals based on their work and experience gained in the project.

Moreover, an international festival will be started in the country of the coordinator and participants from each part of Europe will be welcome to this festival. This partnership will go beyond this project and its results and products will be exploited.


The project started in August 2012 and ends in July 2014. In two years' time there will be flows to each partner to maintain the partnership and implement the project activities efficiently.


Coordinator: Darıca İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey).

Partners: Centro Machiavelli Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana (Italy); Dienst Beroepsopleiding - vzw EPON (Belgium); Institute for Project Support and Competencies Development (Germany); Arte-Via Cooperativa Artística e Editorial, CRL (Portugal);  Studiefrämjandet (Sweden); Lancaster and Morecambe College (United Kingdom); Asociación Andalucía En Obra Social (Spain).

Main Activities Realised Until October 2013

Five partner meetings have been completed so far including:

  • Granada - Spain from 19/10 to 22/10/2012
  • Florence - Italy from 06/03 to 10/03/2013
  • Lousã - Portugal from 24/04 to 28/04/2013
  • Brussels - Belgium from 06/07 to 10/07/2013
  • Rostock - Germany from 06/09 to 10/09/2013

Website of the project was established consisting of the information about all the partners and the activities carried out during the project.

We organized a mini-festival in Lousa/Portugal to see what is to be done or not to be done in our international festival.

The Guidebook including the practical ideas for organising/managing a festival has been already drafted for what concern the chapters 1-3. Should be realised the last chapter 4 during  the next months.

An international festival in Darıca (Turkey) will be held next April 2014.


Official Site