The transversal programme addresses activities that extend beyond the limits of the sectoral programmes.

The specific objectives are to:

  • promote European cooperation in fields covering two or more sectoral programmes;
  • promote the quality and transparency of Member States' education and training systems.

Its operational objectives are to:

  • support policy development and cooperation at European level in lifelong learning in the context of the Lisbon process, the Education and Training 2010 work programme, the Bologna and Copenhagen processes and their successors;
  • ensure a supply of comparable data, statistics and analyses to underpin policy development, as well as to monitor progress towards objectives and targets, and to identify areas for particular attention;
  • promote language learning and support linguistic diversity in the Member States;
  • support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practices;
  • ensure that the results of the programme are advertised, disseminated and taken into consideration.