Start date: 
End Date: 
30 months
Valorising Migrants’ experience to increase their Occupational Skills

General Aims

Supporting the efforts of EU member states to help integrate migrants and refugees into Europe's education systems and ensure their skills development is an urgent and demanding task. The project Valorising Migrants’ experience to increase their Occupational Skills (VAMOS) aims to tackle this existing challenge in all EU countries by valorising migrants’ own experience to act as recognized professionals in Migrants’ labour and social inclusion.

VAMOS, will achieve a double aim: to enhance labour integration of experienced migrants and to improve the social and labour integration of newcomers.

VAMOS consortium, led by Asociacion Horuelo (Spain), is made up of 8 organizations from Greece, Italy, UK and Spain that have a long experience in training and inclusion initiatives with Migrant population. Indeed, four of them have worked in a project called Refugees and Migrants Inclusion Toolkit – REMINT (2017-1-IT01-KA202-006177) that inspired this proposal.

Specific Objectives

VAMOS aims to address the need, existing in all EU countries, to enhance the experiences of migrants to allow them to act as recognized professionals in the work and social inclusion of other migrants. Therefore, the project intends to promote:

• the labor integration of migrants present in the territory

• social and labor integration of newcomers

Main Outputs

Main outcomes to be developed along the 32 months project duration are:

- IO1. Professional profile of the Expert in Migrants’ Labour and Social Inclusion.

- IO2. Assessment tool on key competencies for Migrants’ Labour and Social Inclusion.

- IO3. Training course. Expert in Migrants’ Labour and Social Inclusion.

- IO4. Guidelines for Newcomers from Migration Experiences.

Other results related to the main Intellectual outputs will be:

- VAMOS network.

- Guidelines for facilitators.

- A repository of Learning materials.

VAMOS partnership will put special efforts to dissemination of project results, quality assurance and evaluation as they will be key factors to achieve the project goals and spread the results among other relevant stakeholders at national and international level.

Other results linked with the main Intellectual Outputs will be

• VAMOS Network

• Guidelines for Facilitators

• Archive of didatic matrials.

European Partners

  1. Horuelo - Madrid (Spain) Capofila
  2. INCOMA - Seville (Spain)
  3. Centro Machiavelli Srl (Italy)
  4. European Education & Learning Institute (Greece)
  5. Creative Learning Programs Ltd (United Kingdom)
  6. Cepiss Social cooperative onlus (Italy)
  7. Refuweegee United Kingdom
  8. Kekaper-Region of Crete-lifelong Learning, Education and Employment Department development direction Rethymno regional - unit-Region of Crete

KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, Code 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065450

For further details on the VAMOS Experience, consult the Project Web Site