The final multiplier event of the project RADAR - Vocational Guidance and Employability for Blind and Partially Sighted People (ERASMUS+ K.A 2, Strategic Partnerships for Innovation Development, VET) was held at the Bibliote delle Oblate on 12 July 2022.
The event was a particularly important moment at the end of a 33-month project that involved European partners from Austria (University JOHANNES KEPLER - Institute Integriert Studieren), Italy (Centro Machiavelli e I.ri.Fo.R. Regionale Toscano ONLUS, project coordinator), Poland (Polski Zwiazek Niewidomych, Association for the blind Poland) and Holland (Stichting Bartiméus Sonneheerdt), supported by numerous local partners from the different territories involved.
The activities were opened with a brief general introduction on the project by Mario Paiano, Director of the Machiavelli Centre, who illustrated objectives and key activities.
The activities then continued with the intervention of Barbara Leporini, Director of the Training Agency IRIFOR TOSCANA ONLUS and member of the National Directorate UICI, which opened the technical session of the RADAR project, focusing on how this project makes an important contribution to the socio-occupational inclusion of blind and visually impaired people.
The session then went into detail with the opening of the illustration by Giulia Moretti (CM), who listed the general purposes and results of the IO3 and then went into even more detail with the explanation, by Sandra Manescalchi (Member of the UIC Regional Directorate), IO2 (Special Guidelines for Employers) and IO3 (Guidelines for VET and Career Guidance Practitioners).
The event ended with a focus on "accessible workplace for the blind people: the new ICT assistive as job opportunities" presented by Barbara Leporini and with the intervention of the partners involved in the project that have shown the strong points of the exchange of experiences between partner countries.