ERASMUS+ READ-COM Project – The Oblate Library hosted the final conference of the READ-COM Project for the promotion of reading education

On 20 July 2022 the final conference to share the results of the whole READ-COM experience was held in Florence with the participation of all European partners

On 20 July 2022 the final event of the READ-COM project - Reading Communities from the paper books to the digital era - Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership for EDUCATION. Hosted by the prestigious location of the Biblioteca delle Oblate, in Florence, the partners showed to the local community the results of their project, that was aimed to support the steadily improvement of reading habits and the development of pedagogical strategies sensitizing children to the value of reading as a source of critical sense, creativity and imagination.

The final event was attended by all the Erasmus+ Partnership member: the University of Malaga Department of Education (Applicant), University of Granada (ES), Metropolitan University of Manchester (UK), Centro Machiavelli, Comprehensive Institute Giovanni XXIII Terranuova Bracciolini (IT), CEIP Rosa de Galvez, Malaga (ES), Associação de Jardins-escola João de Deus, Lisbon (PT).

Gathered in the "Sibilla Aleramo" conference room of the Oblate Library, the partners of the eight participating European institutions presented to the audience the final achievements of their project developed over the last three years and which has resulted in the creation of a Toolkit which collects good practices for improving reading habits both at home and at school, thus guaranteeing equal opportunities, regardless of the socio-cultural conditions of the pupils.

After an introduction to the general characteristics of READCOM, the scientific and pedagogical framework of the project was presented, with the assistance of translators. Then the participants illustrated the Toolkit, a guide containing activities and good practices, classified by age, with a wide variety of interactive games and activities.

In this final event, the partners also presented the main products of the project: a multimedia application (READING ANIMATION APP) designed to create reading actions to bring the entire educational community, from teachers to students and families, closer to the activities developed by the Toolkit, thus considering the importance of new technologies.

The event ended with an interesting debate in which the final considerations were shared and the public had the opportunity to express their opinion and discuss the future and sustainability of the key issues treated by the project