Mobile Language Learning for Visually Impaired Students
code: 543281-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP
For a visually impaired (vi) person language learning is the main road towards effective communication, social inclusion and job opportunity.
In this context, mobile devices like smartphones and tablet computers can offer new ways of language learning able to provide a consistent help in the social integration of this category of subjects.
The previous European projects ALLVIP, ELLVIS and VET4VIP created computer-based language courses for vi learners; The project MoLLVIS has instead the aim to create German language learning apps for Windows, Apple and Android devices based on the results of those previous projects.
As a result the existing ALLVIP, ELLVIS and VET4VIP courses can be used on several (mobile) devices and operating systems.
Considering the wide application of the new technologies, we expect this system of flexible use of teaching content to have a considerable impact. As the user-interface is designed to be also attractive to sighted learners, the impact goes beyond the group of vi students and will reach a wide audience.
UICI, Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired Florence (IT)
Centro Machiavelli Tandem Florence (IT)
Bildungszentrum für Blinde u. Sehbehinderte (DE)
Tandem Hamburg horizont dialogo e.V. (DE)
GedonSoft GmbH
Asociatia Nevazatorilor Brásov (RO)
Centrul Cultural German Brásov (RO)
The Moray House of Education University of Edinburgh
Bartiméus Onderwijs
Corporate Quilt B.V. (previously Capital Language Services B.V.)
Agens Arbeitsmarktservice gGmbH